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About Us

Our purpose

Our story begins with a tragedy. In 2014, our precious 2 Bernese Mountain dogs were killed with 21 other dogs in a case of neglect at a boarding home in Gilbert, Arizona. This horrible loss for many other dog families besides ours is now called #Gilbert23. 

Through my suffering, and many sleepless nights…haunted by my dogs suffering & death, I was able to find a way to save over 500 dogs that would have been killed at the local shelters. After seeing the needs of many unwanted animals, I stumbled upon the even greater need of finding homes for horses.

There are many injured, sick and elderly animals that still have years of life to live but a loss of resources to care for them. In these situations, the likely outcome would be selling at an auction, some sold for slaughter to Mexico and Canada for human consumption! and the end result of these wonderful souls who just need a place to call home would be a horrible death! 

I wanted to keep them safe, and give them all the love and life they deserve! God‘s majestic creatures he has bestowed upon us are not meant to dispose  of when people become tired of them…they are a great blessing in our lives and my purpose is to show them all the love I can possibly give them! 

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